Applied College Studies | Bismarck State College

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Applied College Studies

The Applied College Studies Program Certificate allows students to pursue their general education requirements before starting on their specific educational and professional goals.


Applied College Studies

Program Description

With an ever-changing workplace, many employers desire graduates who have well-rounded educational backgrounds including skills from multiple disciplines. The Applied College Studies Program Certificate provides the general education background a student needs to pursue any associate in applied science degree. It can also be applied to the Integrated Studies degree, designed to allow students to combine three unique short-term certificates (16+ credits each) into an Integrated Studies Associate in Applied Science degree. Combinations of certificates would be unique to a student’s interest areas and could include coursework from fields such as cyber/IT, business/management/human resources, entrepreneurship, accounting, or any of the many technical fields from which students are enrolled.

The Applied College Studies Program Certificate allows students to pursue their general education requirements before starting on their specific educational and professional goals.


The Applied College Studies Program Certificate allows students to complete their general education requirements in written and oral communications, arts and humanities, behavioral and social sciences, and math/science/technology. Students should be able to clearly articulate individual career goals. Students are recommended to work with an advisor to customize their education plan to align with their career goals.

Program Requirements

Students completing the suggested curriculum earn a program certificate, which is a first step toward an associate in applied science degree.

Career Opportunities

An associate in applied science degree provides opportunities for career advancement, increased job responsibility, or preparation for alternative employment.

